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Endowment of Muslim theorist




He was a pioneer in experimental psychology. He was the first who use the method of experiment in psychology, which led to his discovery that sensation is proportional to stimulus.


  1. He argues the existence of god depends on the belief in causality. Everything has a cause for its existence.
  2. God is the efficient cause.
  3. Nothing is eternal, which is created, God alone is eternal.
  4. Matter, form, space, time, and movement are the five substances in every physical body.
  5. Being finite is not eternal and God alone is eternal.
  6. The soul is a simple entity.
  7. The soul never sleeps only while the body is asleep.
  8. The soul does not use the senses.
  9. He divided the intellect into two parts.
  10. Possession
  11. Practicing 


He is a pioneer of neuropsychiatry, in Muslim psychology and neurosciences. He wrote many books on medicine, logic, linguistics, and mathematics.

Interior senses:

  • Avicenna proposed humans have seven interior senses to complete outer senses.
  • These senses help humans to learn what to approach or avoid in the environment.
  • According to Avicenna, active intellect took on supernatural qualities.
  • He recognized psychological psychology in the treatment of illness involving emotions and developed a system for associating changing pulse rate with feelings.
  • His medical helped him to gauge the extent of mental influence on apparently bodily states.
  • The soul is distinct from the body.
  • He explains the phenomenon of magic, suggestions, and hypnosis.
  • He accepts the reality of such a phenomenon as the evil eye.
  • He was a Persian, polymath, physician, chemist, and philosopher. Razi is also considered the father of pediatrics. He was called the unsurpassed physician of Islam.


    • He was the first to diagnose smallpox and measles and to associate these diseases and others with human contamination.
    • Promoted psychotherapy.
    • Stressed the importance of a balanced diet for good health.

    • He believes in reason and in reason alone.
    • He used to say that God, glorious is his name, has given us reason to obtain through it from the present and future the utmost benefit that we can obtain.
    • He is a pure rationalist.


    • He is against prophecy, against revelation, against all irrational trends of thought.
    • Men are born with an equal disposition for knowledge.
    • He believed in man, in progress, and in god the wise, but in no religion whatsoever.


In psychology, AL-FARABI social psychology and Model City were the first to deal with social psychology. He said that an isolated individual could not achieve all perfection by himself without the aid of another individual.

Common sense:

  • He does not separate common sense as a distinct faculty.
  • He treats it as a basic ruling facility within the sensible soul.


According to him, imagination is a retentive and judgmental faculty, responsible both for the retention of the images of sensible things after they have absented themselves from the senses and for exercising control over them by composing and dividing them to form new images.


  • He is logical in both thinking and expressing his argument and discussion.
  • His doctrine is at the same time spiritualistic and idealistic, he reduces everything to spirit.


He studied Greek philosophy, gaining mastery over it. Then I studied religion and acquired a vast knowledge. Having a thorough knowledge of these two subjects led him to see the conflict between religion and philosophy.


  • He had a unique idea about the human soul.
  • He thought that the soul was like God and said that Allah had breathed his own spirit into man.
  • This entitles the soul to be a higher expression of man’s existence.
  • He also rejected the concept of body and soul unity from Aristotle.

Good and bad virtue:

  • He distinguished between bad and good virtue.
  • Positive virtue is doing good deeds.
  • Negative virtue is to avoid bad deeds.

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