Intro to World Literature:
Literature is a world full of innovative artwork. Literature covers all areas of life. What is word literature: Johan Wolfgang Goethe, a German philosopher, invented the term "world literature. We can see the branches of literature spread all around the world. Some important definitions:
According to Damon David, Literature that crosses culture, geography, and languages, whether it is written in the original language or has been translated, challenges readers to think differently and see things in the context of networks of related similarities. WL refers to a vast range of literature that has been published and is recognized internationally, sharing traits and characteristics as well as having a wider scope and impact. Forms of Literature:Fiction Non- Fiction Novel Poetry Drama Short Story Autobiography Historical Fiction Science Fiction Epic Tragedy Narrative
English Literature period:Old English 450-1150 Middle English 1150-1500 The Renaissance 1500-1650 The restoration and 18th century 1650-1789 Romantic Period 1789-1837 Modern Period 1837-1955 Postmodern
Fiction Fiction explains such events which are not based on truth and are totally imaginative. In fiction, we use different imaginative places, and incidents to evoke the reader's urge to read it.
Non- Fiction Non-fiction is any text or media that makes an honest effort to transmit knowledge only about the real world, as opposed to being based on fantasy. A common goal of non-fiction is to convey subjects objectively based on historical, scientific, and empirical data.
Novel In general, a novel is lengthy and narrative. There are characters, a narrative, and a scene in it that tell a story. A Realistic Novel consists of Complex characters with conflicted motivations, anchored in social class, and acting by finely developed societal norms.
POETRY Poetry, also known as verse, is a genre of literature that evokes aesthetic meanings, sound symbolism, and metre. It is a combination of verses, rhythms, lyrics, and sounds.
Drama In literature, drama is a play that is written by a playwright. It depicts real-life or imagined narratives. Characters may use this to justify certain situations. performance of a play, opera, mime, ballet, etc., experienced or witnessed on radio or television.
Short Story A short tale is a piece of fiction that is usually read in a single sitting and concentrates on one event or a chain of connected incidents.
Biography and Autobiography Autobiography is interesting and fascinating to read because the writer of the story is the hero of his own story. The writer is sharing his own real-life incidents, and characters with the reader. The Autobiography is based on the true life of the depicter. But on the other hand, Biography is also based on truth but is written by another person. In a Biography, someone else explains the life of a person.
Science-Fiction The story is about the future of technology. It is about the effects of science, real or imagined, typically taking place in the future or on other planets. It covers different concepts, like aliens, time travel, space exploration, and the parallel universe.
Tragedy A tragedy is a type of drama that centers on human suffering, usually the unpleasant or upsetting things that happen to the main character. Tragic events are typically designed to cause catharsis in the audience, which helps us in easing our emotions. In tragedy, the ending is quite sad having the downfall of the hero.