Essay ''Global Warming''
- Introduction
- What is Global Warming
- Greenhouse effect
- Climate change
- Temperature
- Precipitation
- Rise in sea level
- Reasons for Global Warming
- Origin of Global Warming
- Origin of Emissions
- Impacts of Global Warming
- Corner communities will be affected
- Coastal areas
- Increase in floods and storms
- Health issues
- Economical calamity
- Erratic surprises
- How to tackle Global Warming
- Energy saving strategies
- Modifying the ways of using and generating energy
- Sole efforts
Global Warming
Global Warming is simply described as an increase in the normal global temperature. Although it is an environmental problem, it drastically affects the global economy, society, geopolitics, and all human beings.
As Mark says:
''Global warming is one of the most prominent issues of the 21st century, challenging the formation of our global society''
Since the start of this, issue there has been an unstoppable debate between the School of Science facts. The first School calls it a myth while the other one calls it a reality we all know that the evidence is in favor of the latter one. Anthropogenic activities, causing increased emissions of greenhouse gases are behind Global Warming. If this issue is not addressed properly then it will have catastrophic impacts.
Global Warming means Earth is becoming warmer gradually and an average increase in the Global temperature of air and oceans with the melting of glaciers and rising of sea level is quite alarming. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in Its Synthesis Report on Climate Change says there is clear evidence for a 0.6 OC rise in global temperature and a 20 cm rise in sea level during the 20th century. It predicts that ''global temperature'' could rise by 1.4 to 5.8 OC and sea level can rise by 20 to 88cm by the year 2100''. The World's Environmental Organizations have concluded that Global Warming is happening due to an increase in greenhouse gases such as Carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Basically, the temperature of the Earth is maintained by the balance between the energy we get from the Sun and the Energy send back to the space. Some major atmospheric gases like CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Chlorofluorocarbons, and water vapors are important for the balance of temperature. All these gases form the greenhouse shield to absorb the long wave radiation and re-radiate it back to the surface, which causes the atmosphere to warm up to 350C if these gases are not available then our Earth's temperature would reach up to 15 to 200C. This is why global Warming is taking place in larger pace. Dr. Terrence M Joyce says that Global Warming is happening not only due to emission but also due to human activities''.
In order to find the pieces of evidence of Global Warming there are three indicators Temperature, Precipitation, and sea level. Firstly we measure temperature through thermometers, balloons in the air, and satellites, with the help of these gadgets scientists have produced records of the last 130 years, which show a global warming of 0.65 over this period. 2010 is clear evidence of an increase in the warmer temperature of Earth.
Secondly, the recorded data on precipitation also reveals precipitation has increased over land at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere, especially during cold seasons. We have experienced more frequent and strong hurricanes and storms like Hurricane Katrina in the US in 2005 and 2010 super floods in Pakistan, natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, and storms related to the process of precipitation.
Thirdly, the global sea has risen about 20 cm over the past 100 years, Previously it was believed that the rise in the sea level has occurred due to an increase in water heating. But it has been revealed by relevant data that the 40 percent increase in the sea was due to warming and the 60 percent increase was due to the melting of ice. Another drastic news is that both the poles of Earth's Arctic and Antarctic are covered with ice but are melting rapidly and if it remains melting then the results will be catastrophic.
Many sources are responsible for the emissions of greenhouse gases resulting mainly from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Industrial wastage, power generation smog, transportation pollution, and domestic usage of fossil fuels are major causes of emissions. Oil, coal, and natural gas make up to 85 percent of energy while clean sources like biomass, nuclear, and hydrogen only make 15 percent of energy which is not satisfactory.
On the other side cutting natural oxygen-generating sources like trees for the construction of homes, malls, and, industrial factories is causing incidents like summer fires in Australia and unusual fires in Russia in 2010 due to temperature are causing deforestation.
One, the coastline regions are the most vulnerable. The UN Panel on Climate has reported that sea levels may experience water stress by 2025.
Fourth, the ecosystem which is an essential component for biodiversity, is seriously affected by global warming. The species at maximum threat are the mountain gorilla in Africa, polar bears penguins, etc. The reason for the threat to these species is that they are unable to migrate in response to climate change due to human activity and urbanization.
Fifth, the most alarming effect of climate change is on the agriculture field. The world is already facing a shortage of food. According to the UN, more than 800 million people sleep hungry due to a lack of availability of food.
Higher temperatures also affect the production of crops either in areas with higher altitudes or low altitudes and cause the destruction of agricultural lands by salinity. Developed and underdeveloped both countries have low production of food. Scientists are showing concerns that climate change may occur dangerously and explode surprises for humanity beyond its control.
The developed countries can save agricultural lands by building higher walls on the coasts but still, they will lose some agricultural land. Underdeveloped countries like Maldives will face severe crises. The sea will flood the dry lands and make islands unlivable. And countries like Bangladesh would lose its agricultural land and the considerable part of land which is a main source of living.
Two major natural risks are floods and storms. The record shows that over 50 years more storms were particularly witnessed by the northern hemisphere. Two-fifth part of the population lives under the Monsoon belt. The main etiology behind the Monsson belt is the difference between the temperatures of continents and oceans.
With time this difference will increase and Monsson which gives normal rains would cause flooding and destruction of agricultural lands which are the major economic activity in developing countries. Due to extreme events, there is an increase in the frequency of diarrhea and cardiovascular diseases.
Currently, a third of the World population which is approximately 1.7 billion people are water stressed. IPPC suggests that, to limit global warming we must concentrate on the solutions by establishing greenhouse gases because there would be a rapid increase in population and rate of global warming in coming years.
To cut emissions, there are many ways for developed countries. Solar energy and nuclear energy are the most ample forms of energy for Human beings. Developed countries should help underdeveloped countries to generate electricity from these resources. The fact is that the fossil fuels are about to end soon.
Furthermore, every individual can play their role in controlling this because we all are the users of these things which are made in industries and solar sectors. Emissions can be reduced in many ways by sharing transport with friends, driving less, improving vehicles, consuming less electricity, and fuel efficiency.
This act will pressure the industries to produce fewer things and ultimately it results in less burning of fuels because global warming has become a serious issue.
Implications to reduce global warming are important because this condition is harmful to humanity and can not be ignored.
''Climate change, and what we do about it, will define us, our era, and ultimately the global legacy we leave for future generations.'' Says Bin Ki-Moon.